Wasabi Wallet 2.0 is a Bitcoin wallet based on the popular Wasabi Wallet . Wasabi Wallet allows light wallet users to maintain their privacy without a trusted third party. Wasabi 2.0 takes things to the next level, not only making Bitcoin privacy faster and cheaper.
Wasabi announced Wallet 2.0. According to the developers, Wallet 2.0 will help bitcoin scale faster, as well as prepare bitcoin for mass adoption and improve privacy. Wasabi 2.0 could be Bitcoin’s last chance at becoming “good money.” Wasabi 2.0 is a combination of user interface (UI), user experience (UX) and coinjoin (CJ) improvements.
Wasabi 2.0 has completely rewritten the user interface using modern, fluid design principles without breaking away from the current software’s existing feature set.
In terms of UX, manual coin pairing will be a thing of the past or will remain for advanced users only.
On the CJ front, the long-awaited debut of WabiSabi will also take place. It will facilitate faster, more cost-effective, lossless collaborative transactions, lay the foundation for coinjoin payments, and open up opportunities for combination with other technologies.
Wasabi Wallet
Welcome. This is the fourth release of TestNet. This version of Wasabi 2.0 is suitable for testing . It only allows you to use CoinJoin on TestNet, and we don’t recommend using the wallet on MainNet just yet – don’t be reckless. The software is still under active development, so be careful.
Are you a first time user?
Download the package below with your favorite operating system.
Install and try it out!
Already using Wasabi?
This install will replace your current Wasabi 1.0.. If you would like to continue using Wasabi 1.0, especially CoinJoining on MainNet, we suggest installing this version under a new user profile of your operating system. If you still want to experiment with overwriting your existing installation, be sure to change your network settings to TestNet and back up everything as usual.
Download the package below with your favorite operating system.
Install and try it out!
You can migrate from the test version by uninstalling it and then installing latest stable Wasabi 1.0.
If necessary, disable .NET telemetry by running the command in the terminal export DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT=1on Linux and macOS or setx DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT 1 on Windows.