Launched in 2017, Electroneum (ETN) is a mobile cryptocurrency that uses blockchain capabilities to unlock the global digital economy for millions of people in developing countries, with an emphasis on creating a real ecosystem with additional products such as, ETN Everywhere, Taskschool and ETN Donate.
Electroneum uses a cryptographically sound system that allows you to send and receive your tokens, while your transactions will not be easily detected on the blockchain. This ensures that all token transfers remain completely private by default, but can be verified by a third party if necessary by providing certain keys.
Safety. Using the capabilities of a distributed peer-to-peer consistent network, each transaction in the network is cryptographically secure. Individual wallets have a mnemonic starting number of 25 words, which is displayed only once and can be recorded for wallet backup. Wallet files are encrypted with a passphrase to ensure they are useless if they are stolen.
Electroneum (and its group of companies) have developed proprietary software that can be used in conjunction with this project. This software is subject to the individual terms and conditions that are available at
The V8 software update (Electroneum v3.0.0.0 release) made some fairly radical changes to the Electroneum blockchain, consisting of a new agreed-upon algorithm, which we called the “Proof of Responsibility”, and changed it from a completely undivided blockchain to a moderated one. Blockchain
The moderated blockchain, based on the Proof of Responsibility consensus algorithm, allows Electroneum Ltd to better control the blockchain, while maintaining a good degree of decentralization. Ultimately, this increases our security by making the commercial and economic blockchain model more attractive. In addition to these basic functions, we have included several small changes that contribute to the functionality and scalability of the blockchain.
Краткий обзор кошельков TON, которые вам необходимы для начала работы с этой новой быстро развивающейся сетью блокчейна! (TonKeeper, Tonhub, MyTonWallet). Кошельки TON разработаны для взаимодействия с реестром блокчейна TON и позволяют пользователям управлять своими активами и совершать транзакции в сети. Кошельки TON упаковывают сложные инструкции в простые щелчки, позволяя любому человеку использовать и исследовать сеть, сохраняя при этом полное владение своими активами в блокчейне.
The Waves team is developing tools to create a decentralized technology segment that will become the basis of Web 3.0 – the digital landscape of the future.